Email Helper

The Email Helper provides some assistive handlers for working with Email. For a more robust email solution, see revIgniter's Email Library.

Loading this Helper

This helper is loaded using the following code:

rigLoadHelper "email"

The following handlers are available:


Checks if an email is a correctly formatted email. Note, that this doesn't actually prove the email will recieve mail, simply that it is a validly formed address.

It returns TRUE/FALSE

rigLoadHelper "email"

if rigValidEmail("") is TRUE then
	put "email is valid" into gData["emailCheck"]
	put "email is not valid" into gData["emailCheck"]
end if

rigSendEmail("recipient", "subject", "message", "cc", "bcc")

Sends an email using Mail. For a more robust email solution, see revIgniter's Email Library.

It returns TRUE/FALSE

Note:  The sender field appears as "<>" in default configurations. It's the account name and host name of the sending user.