Database Quick Start: Example Code

The following page contains example code showing how the database library is used. For complete details please read the individual pages describing each method.

Initializing the Database Library

The following code loads and initializes the database library based on your configuration settings:

get rigLoadDatabase()

Once loaded the library is ready to be used as described below.

Note: If all your pages require database access you can connect automatically. See the connecting page for details.

Standard Query With Multiple Results

put rigDbQuery("SELECT name, title, email FROM myTable") into tQuery

repeat with i = 1 to tQuery["numrows"]
  put rigDbRow(i) into tRowData
  put tRowData["title"] & comma after tResultData
  put tRowData["name"] & comma after tResultData
  put tRowData["email"] & return after tResultData
end repeat

The above rigDbQuery() function returns an array.

Testing for Results

If you run queries that might not produce a result, you are encouraged to test for a result first:

put rigDbQuery("YOUR QUERY") into tQuery

if tQuery["numrows"] > 0 then

  repeat with i = 1 to tQuery["numrows"]
    put rigDbRow(i) into tRowData
    put tRowData["title"] & comma after tResultData
    put tRowData["name"] & comma after tResultData
    put tRowData["body"] & return after tResultData
  end repeat
end if

Standard Query With Single Result

get rigDbQuery("SELECT name FROM myTable LIMIT 1")

put rigDbRow(1) into tRow
put tRow["name"] into tName

Standard Insert

put "INSERT INTO mytable (title, name) VALUES (" & rigDbEscape(tTitle) & ", " & rigDbEscape(tName) & ")" into tSQL

get rigDbQuery(tSQL)

put rigDbAffectedRows() into tAffectedRows

The function rigDbAffectedRows() returns an integer or a boolean.

Active Record Query

The Active Record Pattern gives you a simplified means of retrieving data:

put rigDbGet("tableName") into tQuery

repeat with i = 1 to tQuery["numrows"]
  put rigDbRow(i) into tRowData
  put tRowData["title"] & comma after tTitles
end repeat

The above rigDbGet() function retrieves all the results from the supplied table. The Active Record library contains a full compliment of handlers for working with data.

Active Record Insert

put tTitle into tData["title"]
put tName into tData["name"]
put tDate into tData["date"]

get rigDbInsert("mytable", tData)

-- Produces: "INSERT INTO mytable (title, name, date) VALUES ('" & tTitle & "', '" & tName & "', '" & tData & "')"