
revIgniter v1.3.18b Released

revIgniter v1.3.18b has been released. This version includes modifications of the Captcha library, the Formvalidation library and the sitelinks plugin. This means that the Captcha library now provides two flavors of captchas, the rigRequiredR form validation rule accounts for prefilled form fields, there are three new form validation rules and the sitelinks plugin now additionally enables you to use images instead of text for your navigation links. Furthermore there are two bug fixes. Model file names are no longer restricted to lowercase letters. Email message IDs are now generated correctly. To get more informations please read the Change Log.

If you are running revIgniter please see the Update Instructions.

revIgniter v1.3.17b Released

revIgniter v1.3.17b has been released. Fixed a bug which caused an error when dealing with multiple applications using a single revIgniter installation and modified the User Guide. To get more informations please read the Change Log.

If you are running revIgniter please see the Update Instructions.

revIgniter v1.3.16b Released

revIgniter v1.3.16b has been released. Fixed a bug which caused under certain circumstances a 404 error when dealing with multiple sets of applications that share a single revIgniter installation. To get more informations please read the Change Log.

If you are running revIgniter please see the Update Instructions.

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