
revIgniter v1.3.21b Released

revIgniter v1.3.21b has been released. This version includes a minor modification of the Output library. Added a sample Hooks file which can be used to make revIgniter automatically minify output just before it is displayed. Added an example to the Hooks section of the User Guide which describes how to use revIgniter's Hooks feature to minify output. Added an example to the Creating Libraries section of the User Guide which describes how to integrate the Quartam PDF Library. To get more informations please read the Change Log.

If you are running revIgniter please see the Update Instructions.

revIgniter v1.3.20b Released

revIgniter v1.3.20b has been released. Fixed bug regarding error messages. To get more informations please read the Change Log.

If you are running revIgniter please see the Update Instructions.

revIgniter v1.3.19b Released

revIgniter v1.3.19b has been released. Fixed bug in database drivers. Commas will no longer be replaced with commas followed by a space in array values contained in the update data. To get more informations please read the Change Log.

If you are running revIgniter please see the Update Instructions.

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