
TM bundles v2.5.1 Released

Fixed an issue which affected the bundle installation in Sublime Text. There is now an extra set of bundles for Sublime Text. To get more information please read included in the package.

TM bundles v2.5.0 Released

This version respects all revIgniter modifications since version 2.1.0 up to version 2.3.3 and completes the LiveCode syntax up to LC version 9.6.9. Linting script only stacks no longer requires switching to the "LiveCode" bundle. You can now have different explicit variable settings for LiveCode scripts and LC Server scripts respectively. Now the "LiveCode" bundle sends an update notification over a datagram connection to LiveCode each time you save a livecodescript file in TextMate using the appropriate key equivalent ⌃⌘S. A modified Levure script, which enables the update notification for the Levure Application Framework, is included. To get more information please read included in the package.

revIgniter v2.3.3 Released

revIgniter v2.3.3 has been released. This release includes a revision of the JSON Web Token helper. You can now sign tokens with an asymmetric signing algorithm using RSA public/private key pairs. Also, the Input library no longer requires LC arrays to be posted as form data, and JSON data can now also be posted using libURLFormData(). To get more informations please read the Change Log of the User Guide.

If you are running revIgniter please see the Update Instructions.

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