revIgniter v1.6.10 has been released ready for download. This version adds AJAX functionality to the Pagination library. To get more informations please read the Change Log.
If you are running revIgniter please see the Update Instructions.
Posted on Monday, March 3, 2014
revIgniter v1.6.9 has been released. This version includes an ImageMagick free stack file version of the library and an library which no longer dependent on ImageMagick. So, this means that this revIgniter version is completely ImageMagick free. Furthermore there are tweaks for database query result data and a bug fix. To get more informations please read the Change Log.
If you are running revIgniter please see the Update Instructions.
Posted on Sunday, February 16, 2014
revIgniter v1.6.8 has been released. This is just a maintenance release and includes a bug fix for file uploading. To get more informations please read the Change Log.
If you are running revIgniter please see the Update Instructions.
Posted on Monday, February 3, 2014