
TM bundles v1.4 Released

Completed the (server related only) list of functions, commands, keywords etc. up to LiveCode version 7.0. Furthermore this version respects revIgniter modifications since version 1.6 up to version 1.6.21. Now this is important: There is no need anymore to install a Revolution standalone engine in System root to enable Drag and Drop (please read the instructions provided with the package).

revIgniter v1.6.21 Released

revIgniter v1.6.21 has been released. This release fixes a severe bug in the authentication section of the User Guide. To get more informations please read the Change Log.

If you are running revIgniter please see the Update Instructions.

revIgniter v1.6.20 Released

revIgniter v1.6.20 has been released. This release fixes bugs related to encryption and sending emails. Just figured out that since server version 7.0.1 for Mac OS X the open socket command works as expected. This means that at least on Mac OS X revIgniter’s impelentation of the SMTP protocol is now available for the very first time. Unfortunately open socket with message on Linux still has problems as the callback message is not sent. So, there is currently still no SMTP on Linux. To get more informations please read the Change Log.

If you are running revIgniter please see the Update Instructions.

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