
revIgniter v1.3.8b Released

revIgniter v1.3.8b has been released. This is just another maintenance release including two bug fixes. To get more informations please read the Change Log.

If you are running revIgniter please see the Update Instructions.

revIgniter v1.3.7b Released

revIgniter v1.3.7b has been released. This version brings a plugin which allows for conversion of database query result arrays to the JSON format. Furthermore there are minor additions and modifications related to compressed output, cache busting and HTML link tags. One bug fix is included. To get more informations please read the Change Log.

If you are running revIgniter please see the Update Instructions.

revIgniter v1.3.6b Released

revIgniter v1.3.6b has been released. This version adds cache busting capabilities to the Asset Helper. For modified static files with a far future expire header there is now a mechanism for automatically updating user's cache. To get more informations please read the Change Log.

If you are running revIgniter please see the Update Instructions.

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